Online Guest Talk von Prof. Sílvia Mamede (MD, PhD) | Erasmus MC · Institute of Medical Education Research Rotterdam
Thema "Learning from Research on the Teaching of Clinical Reasoning"
Guest Talk by Prof. Sílvia Mamede (MD, PhD) on June 25th, 2021 | Erasmus MC · Institute of Medical Education Research Rotterdam
Learning from Research on the Teaching of Clinical Reasoning
Medical education attributes much value to the development of students’ clinical reasoning. This is a
challenging endeavor, and the need of providing teachers with evidence-based guidance has attracted
increasing attention. In this talk I will summarize key findings of research that can inform the teaching
of clinical reasoning. My focus will be on cognitive psychology research on medical expertise that has
substantially contributed to our understanding of how physicians diagnose clinical problems and how
we can help students to become able to do so. The talk will start with a brief overview of contemporary
scientific knowledge on cognitive structures and processes underlying diagnostic reasoning and their
development in the course of medical education. I will then share findings of research on instructional
approaches for the teaching of clinical reasoning, in particular recent studies of our own research
program. I will finalize by discussing ideas and challenges for future research on how to improve the
teaching of clinical reasoning.
Sílvia Mamede is associate professor at the Institute of Medical Education Research Rotterdam (iMERR),
Erasmus MC, and at the Department of Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam. She is a medical
doctor by training and worked for several years in postgraduate education, faculty development and
medical education consulting in Brazil. Silvia obtained her PhD with studies on reflective practice in
medicine from the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2006. Two years later, she moved to the
Netherlands for her postdoc at the Erasmus University, where she was appointed as associate professor
in 2013. She is one of the founding members and vice director of iMERR.
Her main lines of research are: (1) clinical reasoning and diagnostic error in medicine, particularly the
study of the nature of clinical reasoning, sources of cognitive diagnostic errors and ways to minimize
them; (2) instructional design for the teaching of clinical reasoning with focus on approaches directed
at knowledge (re)structuring; (3) reflection and experiential learning in clinical practice. Her most recent
studies have aimed at better understanding the nature of knowledge underlying diagnostic reasoning,
examining specific features of clinical knowledge as stored in memory that may explain performance.
Sílvia has (co-) authored more than 60 SCI/SSCI journal articles plus several book chapters and
supervised dozens of master and doctorate students. She has been the main or co-applicant in research
grants acquired in the Netherlands, Singapore, Canada and Brazil. In 2010, she received the
“Outstanding Research Publication” Award of the American Educational Research Association. She is on
the editorial board of Health Professions Education and BMC Medical Education.