Online Guest Talk von Prof. Dr. Bernard Charlin (Université de Montréal)
Thema "Concordance: Develop reasoning by comparing it to that of experts"
Guest Talk von Prof. Dr. Bernard Charlin | Université de Montréal on June 11th, 2021
Concordance: Develop reasoning by comparing it to that of experts
Developing effective clinical reasoning is central to health professions education. It is particularly important to expose learners to the frequent absence of a single correct answer when reasoning in the contexts of complexity and ambiguity that are so characteristic of professional practice.
Learning by concordance (LbC) is an on-line educational strategy that makes learners practice reasoning competency in case-based clinical situations. The questions asked are similar to those professionals ask themselves in their practice. Participants' answers are compared to those of members of a reference panel who have been previously asked to explain their answers.
When participants answer the questions, they receive an automated feedback that is two-fold as they see (1) how the panelists respond and (2) justifications each panelist gives for his answer. This provides rich contextual knowledge about the situation, supplemented by a synthesis summarizing crucial points. This makes a powerful learning system.
The presentation will explain that script theory is the conceptual framework that underpins LbC. It will depicts the formats of questions and show how to use them to make either a training or an assessment method. Examples of display of questions, feedback and educational syntheses will be shown on an electronic platform (Moodle).
The LbC concept can be used across the continuum of education from 1st year students to practicing professionals. It can be applied to many professional fields, beyond health sciences.
Bernard Charlin is Professor within the department of Surgery at the University of Montreal. He has been trained as a head and neck surgeon in Montpellier, France. He holds a Master degree in Education from Harvard University and a PhD in Education from the University of Maastricht. He belongs to CPASS (Centre de pédagogie en sciences de la santé) His research field is reasoning in context of uncertainty (theory, acquisition, assessment). He has written or co-written more than 100 papers in the peer reviewed scientific literature. He received from The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in 2015 the Duncan Graham award for outstanding contribution to medical education and in 2018 the Innovation price from the Teaching and Learning in Higher Education society.
He is co-founder (2000) of the international journal “Pédagogie Médicale” ( and co-founder (2003) of the “Société Internationale Francophone d’Éducation Médicale” (SIFEM).