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Online Guest Talk von Prof. Dr. Dirk Ifenthaler | Universität Mannheim: Chair of Learning, Design and Technology

Thema "Current State of Learning Analytics Research - Where is the Learning Process?"



Guest Talk by Prof. Dr. Dirk Ifenthaler on October 29th, 2021 | University of Mannheim: Chair of Learning, Design and Technology

Current State of Learning Analytics Research - Where is the Learning Process?


Recent developments in learning analytics which are a socio-technical data mining and analytic practice in educational contexts show promise in enhancing study success in higher education through the collection and analysis of data from learners learning processes and learning environments in order to provide meaningful feedback and scaffolds when needed.
However, an analysis of more than 6000 publications shows that rigorous large-scale evidence of the effectiveness of learning analytics in supporting learning processes and study success is still lacking. A further analysis examined different learning analytics indicators, which may be related to learning processes and study success. Implementation challenges ahead and requirements for learning analytics focussing on learning processes will be discussed.


Dirk Ifenthaler is Professor and Chair of Learning Design and Technology at University of Mannheim
Germany and UNESCO Deputy Chair of Data Science in Higher Education Learning and Teaching at Curtin
University Australia.
Dirk Ifenthaler’s research focuses on the intersection of cognitive psychology educational technology
data analytics and organisational learning.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Technology Knowledge and Learning Senior Editor of Journal of Applied
Research in Higher Education and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Learning Analytics
and Artificial Intelligence for Education.